Today is the first time in 14 years that none of my computers or devices have Evernote installed. All of my note-taking and writing will be via Obsidian from now on. ✏️

Roon—Not Only For Audiophiles Part 1

Why invest in Roon when Apple’s Music (the app, not the service) and Spotify are “free?” I wanted to use Apple Music to bring all my music into one place, consisting of over 2,000 albums I’ve ripped or purchased that sat on a Synology NAS and music from Apple’s streaming service. …

It’s the time of year when I set up a filter to send all emails with Black Friday in the subject line to the trash bin

I spent too long setting up Personalised Spatial Audio after upgrading to iOS 16 on my iPhone. Apple expects you to scan your ears and follow instructions when you can’t see what’s on the screen…. Tip: use screen mirroring.

I’ve written a rule to move any email with “Black Friday” in the subject field to the bin…..

What’s on My MacBook?

When I bought my M1 MacBook Air earlier this year I said that I wouldn’t install loads of apps, but try to keep to a minimal set. Six months on, and I think I’ve failed! Here’s a screenshot of the app menu. Menu bar 1Password Alfred BetterSnapTool Dropbox ToothFairy Typinator …

Spotify or Tidal?

I’ve flipped between both over the years, but currently using Spotify as I got a free six-month subscription when I bought a Sonos sound bar before Christmas. That’s about to expire, and it’s time to stump up £9.99 a month. The question is, should I go back to Tidal or stick where I am? I listen to …

Goodbye Evernote, hello Craft. I’ve done what I thought was unthinkable. After using Evernote for over a dozen years, I just cancelled my subscription and started using Craft as my full time note taking application. I tried to stay loyal to Evernote, but feel they are slipping behind and I …

This is what I was presented with when my 90 year old father said that he’d forgotten his password for his 10 year old Dell laptop. I bought it for him so I’m expected to mend it. I’m a Mac user and haven’t used a PC for a decade. No backups, no disks, help!

Thanks to everyone that responded to my earlier post when I mentioned that I was struggling with CSS styling for my Archive page, especially @jeannie and @mariovillalobos

Moved to

I’ve just completed the signup process for a subscription and will be moving some posts from my old WordPress site across to over the coming days. I’ve decided to use the Arabica theme for the web and have made a couple of small changes to the Archive page, to keep links …

Working with Ulysses &

I have recently started to use Ulysses for all my extended and short-form writing and was intrigued to read that the authors added the ability to publish to in the latest release. I built my website on WordPress using the Extra theme and Divi builder from Elegant Themes. Whilst I’m happy …