When I bought my M1 MacBook Air earlier this year I said that I wouldn’t install loads of apps, but try to keep to a minimal set. Six months on, and I think I’ve failed!
Here’s a screenshot of the app menu.

Menu bar

- 1Password
- Alfred
- BetterSnapTool
- Dropbox
- ToothFairy
- Typinator
- Dropbox
- AppCleaner
- Carbon Copy Cloner
- Celo VPN
- Cyberduck
- Evernote
- Grammarly
- MacUpdater
- Name Mangler
- Ulysses
- Microsoft Edge
- Firefox
- Safari
Personal Apps
- Lightroom Classic
- Pixelmator
- ON1 Photo Raw 2022
- Luminar AI (Too many photo editing apps!)
- Apple Music
- Exodus
- Pine Player
- Pocket Casts
- Todoist
- Sonos
- Spark / Fastmail email
- MacFamilyTree 9
- Micro.blog
- Moneywiz
- Tweetdeck
Business Apps
- Office 365
- Omnigraffle
- Microsoft Teams
- MindNode
- ownCloud
Installed but never/rarely used
- iMovie
- News
- Notes
- Parallels Desktop
- Podcasts
- Reminders
- Scrivener
- Spotify
- Stickies
- Stocks
- Telegram
- TextEdit
- Vidyard
- TV
- Zoom