Today is the first time in 14 years that none of my computers or devices have Evernote installed. All of my note-taking and writing will be via Obsidian from now on. ✏️
Excited to read about the new Evernote features on their blog today
Goodbye Evernote, hello Craft. I’ve done what I thought was unthinkable. After using Evernote for over a dozen years, I just cancelled my subscription and started using Craft as my full time note taking application. I tried to stay loyal to Evernote, but feel they are slipping behind and I really like what the team at Craft are doing. All that’s missing are tables (on the way) and a web clipper, also on the development list.
Working with Ulysses &
I have recently started to use Ulysses for all my extended and short-form writing and was intrigued to read that the authors added the ability to publish to in the latest release.
I built my website on WordPress using the Extra theme and Divi builder from Elegant Themes. Whilst I’m happy with the features and functionality that Extra & Divi provides, it’s difficult to justify the annual cost of around £85 a year for a hobby blog.
Ulysses posts to WordPress, but the formatting doesn’t work with the Extra theme, so it wasn’t a viable option. This limitation and the cost were why I was looking for an alternative blogging platform.
Setting up Ulysses to post to was simple and took less than a minute. Exporting to is also straightforward — you select “Publishing” as the export option and select the blog to post to, its status (draft, publish or schedule when it’s posted), and choose a category. 📝