Micro.blog October 2021 Photoblogging Challenge #8 twilight πŸ“·

christian malford church in the early evening

Micro.blog October 2021 Photoblogging Challenge #7 spice πŸ“·

photo of a spice store in France

Micro.blog October 2021 Photoblogging Challenge #6 street πŸ“·

venice street scene

Micro.blog October 2021 Photoblogging Challenge #5 toy πŸ“· πŸ•

photo of a dog and toy

Micro.blog October 2021 Photoblogging Challenge #4 sharp πŸ“·

weird fish sculpture

Micro.blog October 2021 Photoblogging Challenge #2 dark πŸ“·

photo of a cup of coffee

Micro.blog October 2021 Photoblogging Challenge #1 touch (someday, maybe) πŸ“·

photo of a MacBook air

Who’s a clever boy? πŸ•

parker and certificate the class the certificate

Many thank to Nicky, Doug and the rest of the DJ Dog Training Club team for your help getting us through.

Abandoned agricultural machinery πŸ“·

Agricultural machinery

The new feeding station for the birds is open for business 🌱

bird feeding station

I’m enjoying using the Argentum Camera app on my iPhone. Here are a couple of images from today’s early morning walk with “the boy” over the fields. πŸ“· fields


Lest We Forget

For heathen heart that puts her trust
In reeking tube and iron shard,
All valiant dust that builds on dust,
And guarding, calls not Thee to guard,
For frantic boast and foolish wordβ€”
Thy mercy on Thy People, Lord!

Source: A Choice of Kipling’s Verse (1943)

twin towers memorial, new york

Sony a6300, Sony E 16-70 F4 ZA OSS, processed in Luminar AI πŸ“·

Testing out Street mode in Argentum app

I got a haircut this morning, and this is a candid shot of Isaac prepping the chair I took on my iPhone 11 using the Argentum app. The image is as shot with no post-processing.

Thanks to @TheDimPause on Micro.blog for pointing me in the direction of the Argentum app, which captures Black & White images. πŸ“·

isaac the barber

Pictures from the car show

Twin-cylinder Morgan

a close up photo of a Morgan engine

Sony a6300, Sony E 16-70 F4 ZA OSS, processed in Lightroom Classic

Car bonnet (hood) mascot

a close up photo of a car bonnet mascot from 1935

Sony a6300, Sony E 16-70 F4 ZA OSS, processed in Lightroom Classic πŸ“·πŸš™

I’ve got three invites to Glass if anyone wants one πŸ“·