I spent my afternoon shovelling sh*t at the allotment. I hope next year’s veggies appreciate the effort.

It was the Aveton Gifford Village Show on Saturday. I was lucky enough to get a couple of second and third places. 🌱

This year’s onions are safely harvested and drying in the workshop 🌱

Early morning at the allotment 🌱

That was a productive couple of hours at the allotment. The runner bean sticks are up and ready for planting 🌱

Good days work at the allotment. We have the asparagus bed and two rows of broad beans planted. Ten bags of rubbish were taken to the tip. Loads more to do. 🌱

A New Allotment

We are very lucky to have taken over an allotment in our new village, just a few minutes walk from home. As seen in the photos, it’s not been worked for a couple of years and is overgrown with weeds and grass. We plan to renovate & plant half the beds this year & get the others ready …

The greenhouse is stocked up. It looks like the neighbours will be getting some free tomato plants. iPhone 11 📷🌱